• Hi!
    I'm Parth

    Looking for an EMPLOYEE who can serve as a SOFTWARE ENGINEER,
    with RESEARCH mindset? Want someone to give your VISION the perfect GROWTH trajectory using DATA? You got me! ☺️
  • Data Scientist
    Software Developer

    Data Scientist-Coder-KeenLearner

    Willing to work for an organization which provides opportunity to improve my skills and knowledge along with the organization objective.
About Me

Who Am I?

"If you love life, don't waste time,
time is what life is made up of"

A Cadet by nature and a Data Scientist by passion, tech enthusiast, open source contributor (https://github.com/p1halani), tech blogger, motivator and mentor for those who want to learn programming, Data Science, development and recent technologies.

I love to explore how a MACHINE is LEARNING and how can I use my adaptive problem-solving skills to help those ARTIFICAL brains boost their INTELLIGENCE.And yes, if you own a STARTUP or if you are HIRING, let's connect. I love contributing to the success of these rising champions aka the startups! Keep reading below.

Why I love working for Startups ?
Because Startups act like a catalyst for me to experiment with a lot of DATA as a SCIENTIST, a lot of ENGINEERING with AI, ML; while I am still an undergraduate student studying COMPUTER SCIENCE from 2017-2021.✨Though Corporates are sweet spot for me too.

Where do I fit in for you?
You need proof from me for that. And as everything is DATA in 2020 ... You need a person who can extract what Data speaks! Well, lucky, you found me. I am really good in playing with data, you know!
✨ BONUS : I make machines intelligent with my EXPERIENCE as an INTERN.

I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline.

Let's talk ML, AI, Data Science, DL, Python 🏆 Catch me @ Hackathons, Internships 🏆

Data Science

Cloud Computing

Software Development


Why Hire me?

✨Insights from the Data that drives & impacts growth for your organization. In short, the real essence of DATA as required in 2020! ✨You name it, I got it! And if I haven't done it before, I learn & try to deliver the best results to you :) If you're looking for something specific. Let's talk directly and discuss things over. Hire me
My Specialty

My Skills

Machine Learning


Data Structures and Algorithms


Computer Vision

























Indian Institute Of Information Technology Guwahati

Computer Science And Engineering
CGPA: 8.56 (Till 5th Sem)

PACE Junior Science College

State Board
Percentage : 75.3%
April 2015 - April 2017

St. Teresa's Convent English Medium School

State Board
Percentage : 92.4%
Till April 2015


Work Experience

Backend Development Intern June 2020 - Present
KonfHub Technologies LLP

Played a major role in migration of data from AWS S3 bucket to RDS. Led a team and created a backbone for KonfHub system for introducing OOPs in backend. In production. Implemented pagination for benchmarking the request latency.

Research Intern May 2020 - July 2020
IIIT Guwahati

Worked with Dr. Srinibas Swain (associate professor at IIIT Guwahati) on the firefighter problem.

Software Development Intern May 2020 - July 2020
Frinks Digital Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Worked on Food Safety and Hygiene Management System, where we designed and deployed the full stack to add and edit Automatic objects detection and also ensure social distancing.

Programming Club Coordinator Aug 2019-Dec 2019
Position of Responsibility

Mentoring students for preparation of ICPC. Held and Monitored a Coding Competition ”CODE IIITG 1.2” on Hackerearth.

Deep Learning Research Intern May 2019 - June 2019
IIT Patna

Supervised by Dr. Sriparna Saha, submitted a research paper in JBHI titled: A Multi-modal Approach for Protein Function Prediction utilizing Protein Sequence and Structure.

My Work


Tracking and Tracing of Fake News

Developing an end to end Plugin and UI to detect fake news and build a customizable Database. Generate our own Fake News Dataset and make it open source.
Technology Stack
FrontEnd - HTML/CSS, React
BackEnd - Python, MySQL, Tensorflow

Project Link :

Mobile based Smart Irrigation Assistant

Developed an application for assisting farmer with the timing and the quantity of irrigation. Help with a chatbot. Developed a device named ’IRRIG’ for fetching soil moisture and humidity using sensors and nodeMCU. Dynamic Schedule was sent to the application along with a notification pertaining to sudden change in schedule.


Parametric Optimization on Graphs

Worked with Srinibas Swain (assistant professor at IIIT Guwahati) and accomplished a 3.66 approximation algorithm for computing a MLST of chordal graphs using perfect elimination ordering. We also created a repository of all MLST for all unlabelled connected graphs with order up to 8.
Technology Stack
BackEnd - C++

Project Link :

Movie Recommendation Service

Recommendation Systems Project
Developed a movie recommender service by collaborative filering using Low Rank Matrix Factorization on MovieLens Dataset.
Technology Stack
BackEnd - Python, Keras

Project Link :

Deep Convolutional GANs

Deep Learning Project
Implemented DCGAN Network for generating Images of MNIST and KMNIST Dataset.
Future Scope : Combination of single image super resolution and digital Inpainting algorithms based on GANS for robust image completion.
Technology Stack
BackEnd - Python, Pytorch

Project Link :

Maze Solver

OpenCV Project
Maze Solver Game : Give an image of a maze and it will find the path. Breadth First Search was used to solve it.
Technology Stack
BackEnd - Python, OpenCV

Project Link :

BERT on IMDB Dataset

NLP Project
Sentiment analysis on IMDB Dataset from Kaggle using current state-of-the-art method i.e. BERT.
Technology Stack
BackEnd - Python, Pytorch

Project Link :

Amazon Food Reviews

NLP Project
Sentiment analysis on Amazon Food Review Dataset from Kaggle using 3 different methods.
1)LSTM 2)Word2Vec 3) RNN
Technology Stack
BackEnd - Python, Keras, Tensorflow

Project Link :

Classification of Medical Images

Efficiently classify medical images using some segmentation models like Cascaded V-net, U-net, FCN, Mask-RCNN, Auto-DeepLab + CRF
Technology Stack
BackEnd - Keras, Python

Project Link :

Credit Card Fraud Detection

EDA on highly unbalanced dataset, the positive class (frauds) account for 0.172%. Used anomaly-detection, t-SNE, SMOTE, Correlation between features. It achieved an F1-score of about 99.9%
Skills Used :

Project Link :

Individual household electric power consumption

Major task was to find a short term forecast on electricity consumption of a single home. Practiced my skills in EDA, data visualization, clustering and regression modelling techniques.
Skills Used :

Project Link :


Analyze the number of likes on post, comments,followers using instagram api.
Skills Used :

Project Link :

Cycle GAN

Torch implementation for learning an image-to-image translation without input-output pairs.Its trained on summer-winter dataset.
Skills Used :

Project Link :

Airbnb data EDA and Visualization

Analyze the latest Airbnb data publicly available for Seattle, to perform sentiment analysis of the reviews for their customers and to understands main factors responsible for the prise of Airbnb apartments.
Skills Used :

Project Link :

My Specialty

My Achievements

Yuvaan Technical Meet

Code Thrill 2.0
Code Thrill 3.0

Code Gladiators

  • Selected as a Finalist

  • Smart India Hackathon

    2nd Place in SIH'19

  • Among Top 4 finalist which will be held in July 2020


  • Selected for onsite round at Amritapuri in 2019

  • CodeChef

  • Reached To Eliminator in CodeChef SnackDown(2019)
  • 4-star At CodeChef

  • Other Coding Competitions

  • FB HackerCup : Reached 2nd Round of HackerCup
  • Google CodeJam : Participation in 2019
  • Kickstart : Participation in 2020
  • Get in Touch


    If you've opportunities for me, or have crazy product ideas to discuss, always feel free to reach me via Email or Mobile, Check out my resume here . I'd be very happy to connect.

    Plot No. 11, Flat No. 6, Gurukul Colony, Ganesh Appt., In M.I.D.C., Jalgaon-425003